As a married man, you have to be in a fairly desperate position to pay a prostitute for sexual favors. Ladies, if your husband says it is your fault for not giving him what he desires in the bedroom that is an EXCUSE to justify his:
Lack of accountability
His attempt to lower your self-worth.
Long term sex/porn/drug addiction.
To mask:
The appearance of a happy marriage.
To protect his reputation within his family.
To uphold his standing in the community as being wholesome.
When someone sees through the mask, the narcissist retaliates with:
You are dealing with a narcissist. Nothing you do or say will please them. It will always be your fault. Arm yourself with knowledge to use in the upcoming battle.
(This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, business or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.)
PC: valio84sl